How You Can Add A Unique Feature To Your Home Without Hurting The Environment

Trying to find a way to make your house stand out from a crowd can sometimes feel impossible. It can feel like every idea in the world has already been tried, tested and worn out by the time you hear about it. One idea that has not yet had its day in the sun is incorporating old materials into new buildings. Recycled bricks are a great way to preserve the old while you make something completely new and fresh.

What Are Recycled Bricks?

When an old home or building that uses bricks is torn down, often the demolition experts are careful to save as many of the bricks as possible without breaking them. These bricks are then all examined for their quality with bad ones being thrown out. All of the structurally sound bricks are then put into their own section, and these are the ones sold as recycled bricks. These bricks are just as strong as new bricks, as age is not really a major factor in the decay of bricks. Recycled bricks can also be a lot cheaper than brand new bricks due to their secondhand nature. 

Why Wouldn't I Just Buy New Bricks?

There are a few reasons why recycled bricks are a great way to create a feature in your house, including:

  • Older bricks have a more interesting texture and look to them than new bricks because of how methods of production were different.
  • Recycled bricks carry with them a very interesting story that simply cannot compete with a new brick.
  • Recycled bricks do not put nearly the same strain on the environment as new bricks. 
  • There are many different colours and options with recycled bricks, so you aren't constrained for choice.

The simple fact is many people just prefer the aesthetic look of recycled bricks more than new bricks.

How Do I Get Recycled Bricks?

There are many landscape and construction companies that sell recycled bricks and market them as such. If you don't like one particular shop's selection you can always look at another, as it is likely to be quite different due to local sourcing methods. That means that these companies can only buy recycled bricks from buildings taken down in their area, and some will be constrained by what colour and type of bricks are used in their local area. So, if you haven't found exactly what you are looking for,keep looking! Your dream recycled bricks are just around the corner. 
