Ways To Customise Your Balcony Glass Balustrades

A balcony creates a wonderful outdoor area where you can recline and enjoy the view. Custom glass balustrades with their open aesthetic can help to make the most of your haven. With a range of customisation options, you can personalise your barrier for your needs. Here are several ways to adjust yours.


Depending on the look you're after, you can install a frameless balustrade or one with partial or full frames. Typically using toughened-laminated glass, frameless designs have minimal metal brackets and support around the glass, so they provide the sleekest effect. The barrier becomes virtually invisible, giving you a clear view of the surrounding landscape. Alternatively, you can select models with more edging. Framed forms, often using either toughened or laminated glass, feature metal trim around each panel, which draws attention to the balustrade itself. Partial framing provides a middle option. 

Frosted Glass

While you might enjoy lounging on the balcony, you can feel exposed if neighbours are close by or you face a busy street. To deal with this, install frosted glass on your balustrade. You can select the degree of transparency of the glazing to create the most comfortable environment. Even though the frosting obscures the view, it still allows a softened, muted light to flow through, maintaining an open ambience on the balcony. The frosty surface prevents glare as well, creating a more pleasant experience on bright sunny days.

Tinted Glass

Another road to blocking glare is via tinted glazing on your custom glass balustrades. Bronze, grey, green or blue are some of the available tones which deflect and soften the sun's rays. To select the colour, look to the balcony for inspiration and repeat a hue from the wall, floor or furniture. Deeper, darker tints block more light. As these colours result from minerals, such as cobalt and iron, within the glass, adding more minerals will darken the tones. The colour will also look stronger on thicker panes. 

Low-Iron Glass

Rather than congested traffic or nosy next-door residents, your balcony may front a sweeping scenic landscape of majestic, lush trees and flowing pastures. If this is the case, you might prefer to install low-iron glass, which shines with total clarity. Ordinary glazing contains iron which produces a slight greenish haze, which is more evident around the edges. By eliminating this mineral, producers can create clear balustrades through which you can appreciate the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
