Two tips for those who want to construct a crossover at the end of their driveway

If your driveway leads onto public pavement, then you may need to have a crossover built in the area where your driveway meets this pavement. This sloped, reinforced structure will allow you to easily transport your vehicle from the driveway to the road and will also prevent your vehicle from damaging any cables or pipes that are located underneath the pavement. Here are two tips to keep in mind if you plan to add a crossover to the end of your driveway.

Find out if you need to apply to the council to create this structure

Depending on where your property is located, you may have to obtain approval from the local authority before your contractor can build the driveway crossover. If this is the case, it is important to make your application as soon as you decide to build this feature, as it could take a while for it to be processed.

This application may require you to submit design plans for the crossover and to provide details of the construction materials you plan to use. As such, you will probably have to consult with your contractor when filling in the application (unless you are knowledgeable about this subject).

Asking the contractor to assist you with the application process will reduce the risk of you submitting answers that are incorrect and that will result in your application being denied.

Make sure that the crossover does not feature hazards that might put people at risk of trips or falls

The pavements that driveway crossovers are built on are not only used by those whose driveways they are attached to, but they are also walked and cycled across by members of the public. As such, it is vital to make sure that the crossover your contractor builds will not put pedestrians or cyclists at risk of tripping or falling.

For example, the area where the pavement dips and turns into the crossover should feature a gentle gradient so that those who cycle or walk over it do not suddenly step onto or roll over a steep drop (as this could cause them to trip or fall if they do not notice it beforehand).

Additionally, you must instruct your contractor to adjust the position of any stormwater drainage basins in the area where they will be creating the crossover so that the top of the basins will be level with the ground after it has been lowered. If this adjustment is not made, the covers on the basins will be raised above the crossover, which could cause people to trip over them.
