Factors affecting the cost of your kitchen renovation

Renovating your kitchen is one of the best ways for you to add functionality and utility to the home. You may not realise the significant difference that a kitchen renovations can present to the home. It can make your property feel new, rejuvenated and attractive.

For most homeowners, the cost of an intended renovation is one of the most important things that they consider. And when it comes to cost, things can get complicated very quickly. However, this article will help you determine specific factors that can affect how much you will ultimately end up paying to renovate your kitchen.

1. The size of the kitchen

Of course, a larger kitchen will cost more to renovate than a smaller one. This holds true when you intend to expand your current kitchen to make it larger. A larger kitchen will require more work in terms of installing new floors, walls, and plumbing features.

In addition, a larger kitchen may require more features such as larger countertops, more kitchen cabinets and larger appliances. On the positive side, larger kitchens are more spacious and comfortable for use. They can also be fitted with more innovative items that will make your home stand out from the rest.

2. The extent of renovations

Another factor affecting the cost is the extent of renovations that need to be carried out. If you're looking to replace your kitchen appliances, lighting fixtures, and plumbing system, then the cost of the overall project is likely to be higher.

In some cases, homeowners may simply want to replace their floors or their countertops. Such partial renovations will cost less than a full repair job. In addition, adjustments such as installing new sinks and appliances may necessitate additional plumbing and gas pipes to be installed, which can add to the overall cost.

3. Flooring

The flooring materials used during renovation will also directly affect the cost. For example, natural stone floors (such as marble and quartz) will typically cost more than manufactured floors such as concrete.

Natural floors provide a clean and authentic look to your kitchen and are also in limited supply in the market.

4. Appliances installed

The more costly the appliance, the higher the renovation will actually cost. In most cases, homeowners may want to install newer model ovens, fridges and dishwashers to their kitchen as part of the renovation process.

While newer models may cost more to initially purchase, they can result in significant energy savings over the years due to their efficient operation.
