3 Things to Think About When Building Granny Flats

Whether you are making the decision to bring your family closer, to get additional support from your parents on childcare, to save costs as a family or for health reasons, lots of Australians are turning to granny flats as an ideal balance between independence and living together for older relatives. Granny flats tend to be much more self-contained than living together as a family, giving everyone a bit more breathing space and allowing your parents to still maintain their social life and have friends over without imposing on your family.

While granny flats are a fantastic concept, there are still a few things to think about when you actually set out to build and construct a granny flat on your property. Just by its very nature, you will need additional space, either upwards or outwards, enough money to build and decorate the extension and of course all the required planning permissions. Once you have the basic concept and requirements for the extension confirmed, here are three additional things to think about before you lay the first brick.

Long-term value

While you may not be looking to move out any time soon, it is highly likely that one day you will want to sell the property, for whatever reason. Granny flats can significantly change the appearance and function of your property, so it is important to think about how one may impact the long-term value of your property. Consult with local estate agents about your plans to see if there are any warning signs that they think may make your property harder to sell. To counter these, you may want to consider building in such a way that the flat can easily be turned into just another room at a later date. It is also important to remember that granny flats can also bring in extra value, especially for families who may be able to use the room for a nanny or au pair, or for those who might want to make additional income by renting them out.

Ease of modification

While your parents may be in perfect health now, do be sure to consider that you may have to modify the flat at a later date to make it more accessible. Often, granny flats will be built so that they do not need to be accessed by stairs. Additionally, ensure that you fully connect the entire flat to the electricity and mains water so that you can move around, or add in extra, bathrooms and kitchens.

Comfort and style

Granny flats should always be considered as homes, not just somewhere to sleep. Always make sure that you are designing a flat that can be fully lived in, with plenty of natural light. This is important even if you envisage that your parents will be spending most of their time in the main house.
