Signs You Need to Remove Your Tree

Whether your tree is awesome to behold or you're growing sick of its presence, you may want to consider using a tree removal service. If you're unsure as to whether such a service is for you, consider whether its presence is more troublesome than beautiful. 

The Tree Is Starting to Get in the Way

Whether your tree's branches are stretching perilously close to a power line or you're worrying that it's making contact with your windows, a tree that's starting to get in the way is one you should consider removing. Trees that make contact with certain areas of your house may cause structural damage or encourage the spread of mould. In addition, those that block the sunlight for either you or your neighbours become an aesthetic challenge. Rather than trimming them and allowing them to grow back, consider using a full tree removal service.

The Species Is Undesirable

While most trees are pretty when they're at peak health, not all species are desirable—for example, Bradford pears, empress trees, and Norway maples. Undesirable trees come with features such as weak wood that's prone to breaking and far-reaching roots that extend below properties, leading to structural damage. Whether you're about to sell your property or you're moving into one that features an unexpected problematic species, you may want to consider removing it. 

The Trees Are Showing Signs of Wear and Tear

The following physical symptoms may indicate the need to remove your tree:

  • Mushroom and fungi are growing around the base
  • Soil is beginning to heave around the base
  • An increase in dead and hanging branches, with fine shoots that show no signs of greenery
  • Cracks are beginning to appear in the trunk, along with peeling bark

Such signs indicate that your tree is declining beyond rescue, which means that measures such as removing suspect branches will not address the problem.

The tree is leaning

When a tree begins to lean at an angle of more than 15º, there's a chance it will fall without warning. In addition to causing damage to nearby structures, such trees pose a hazard to humans and animals in the nearby area. If you're unsure as to how much your tree is learning, consider consulting a professional arborist or tree surgeon for further advice.

Before deciding whether you need to use a tree removal service, consider the benefits and the risks of keeping the tree. While certain types are majestic to look at and act as a focal part of your garden's appearance, others may pose a structural risk or could spread diseases to other plants. Once the tree is no longer there, you can consider placing another one in its place or adding to your garden's overall structure with a water feature or paving. 
