Provide A Self-Sourced Water Supply For Your Home With These Two Water Collection Systems

Whether you're in a rural area with no municipal water supply, determined to create a more sustainable home or simply sick of the high cost of water, you may be considering your options for a self-sourced water supply. This may involve a moderate financial outlay initially but in the long term, it will save you thousands of dollars on your water bills.

Having a reliable and constant supply of water for your home is best achieved by installing two separate systems, one to access underground water supplies and one to harness and store rainwater.

1. Bore water pump

Bore water is the water that is contained in underground aquifers. Its water source can be from rainwater that has drained through the layers of earth and collected in fissures or it could be from underground rivers that are fed from rivers, streams and lakes on the surface. This water can be accessed by water boring: drilling down through the earth and installing a pipe and pump to draw the water to the surface.

Bore drilling needs to be performed by a professional drilling contractor who has the knowledge and experience to do it safely and effectively. You'll also need to have the bore water supply tested to ascertain its quality and what uses it will be appropriate for. It's rare to find bore water that is fit or palatable for human consumption but it can generally be used safely on gardens, for flushing toilets, exterior cleaning and filling swimming pools.

2. Rainwater tank

Rainwater tanks are a popular choice for both urban and rural homeowners. The rainwater that falls on your home is collected in the gutters and funnelled into a storage tank that can be made from concrete, plastic or steel. A simple electric pump can then feed the clean, fresh rainwater into your home's sinks and showers for safe and great tasting drinking and bathing water.

Rainwater tanks come in many shapes, sizes and water capacities. The type you choose will depend on the size of your home, the number of occupants and your overall household water consumption. Generally, it's better to err on the side of caution and opt for a larger tank than you think you may need. However, if you also have a bore pump installed, you'll significantly reduce your rainwater needs and can opt for a smaller and more affordable tank.

Water is a precious and vital commodity and having access to your own supply is great for your home's eco-credentials and also your wallet. Contact your local bore drilling and rainwater tank contractors to discuss having these systems installed in your home.
